Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 2012 Update ANNUAL REPORT

Working Together Brings Results...

As the end of the year approaches my mind turns to holidays, family and of course stopping and reviewing our work in order to share with you how together we have effectively increased the Kingdom of God. As I do this it is my intention to share with you in hopes that you as friends and supporters will sense God’s hand in our work and how valuable your partnership with us has been.

As you take time to read through this report please know that it would be impossible without you joining with us to accomplish these results. Together, we have been used by God to expand his kingdom, see hope come to thousands, and new futures created for many, many lives.

Personal: This year has been exceptionally hard, as we have arrived at a ministry place where many activities have been divested to others. That’s right we have grown the ministry to the place where we have giving many duties to other people at United World Mission. This transition, though great, was hard. I’ll explain more throughout the report on the deeper steps we are taking post transition.

For many of you who have walked this road (over 14 years as a missionary) with us you know we have three adult kids (two married and one single mom) and five grandchildren. There are several prayer points here as Kristen has been diagnosed with a debilitating disease called Ankylosing spondylitis and Lupus. She is still figuring out what her limitations are and how she will move forward but we as a family are committed to her and Bailey, now 13. 

Recently Matt’s wife, Devon went through successful spinal surgery and is recovering and doing a lot better. Their two kids, Lilly and Scarlett, are now 9 and 3 years old. Matt is working part-time to repair scientific robotic instrumentation and would love full time employment but the economy seems to have dampened this industry sector.  

Jason and Laura have survived the downturn in the economy and their business continues to move forward. Their children, Hannah (9) and Christian (7) love the outdoors and NASCAR. 

Cathy and I have celebrated 35 years of marriage this past July and miss each other more than ever when I travel. It’s great to have all the kids and grandchildren living around us.

Financially: Our ministry account could use some bolstering and this coming year we will have to take time to strengthen it. We have about 60 supporters and are looking for another 25 or so that will allow us to continue strong into the future. If you want to consider this you can email or call me and I will give you specifics about our needs.

Our annual budget is $87,000, which includes salary, taxes, medical, administrative service fees, ministry expenses, travel, etc. We normally have commitments for $50,000 per year and then I find other income like church consultations, etc. to fill in the gap. The $87,000 may sound like a lot but for those of you in business for yourself you know that as a self-employed person (which missionaries technically are) you must pay for everything thus you have both the employers costs as well as the employees cost for taxes, etc. This is the practical reality of being a missionary in today’s world and one the IRS watches.

Ministry: Off loading some responsibilities to other fellow workers allows us to expand and drill down into other areas such as building partnerships between churches, businesses, and talented individuals and international leaders and believers around the world. We have assisted in developing 15 working partnerships from Latin America to Asia. Kevin Mason  and Billy Dempsey are two great colleagues that are very capable and talented.So the team is growing and we are adding a few new faces in 2013 too.

Most of you know that world has changed dramatically from a North American mission movement where the United States was the primary sender of missionaries to a global movement where people from every nation are entering the missionary work force. An example of this is that this year I spent time training a Venezuelan mission director for their denomination. They intend to send people to Panama and Cuba next year and are praying about India in the future. I also bought gas in Venezuela for $.09 a gallon. That's right, 9 cents per gallon!

I will be collaborating on a project to develop a training center in Panama to train Latin American missionaries for the world. We are in discussions with several partners and hope to get started in the fall of 2013. 

In this new era building collaborating partnerships and networks are essential. These collaborative efforts catapult God’s desires for a global church impacting the world to new heights. God’s church is one that is expanding as it worships Him and reaches neighbors with the gospel and holistic needs that confront injustice, poverty, health and educational challenges. We must connect, coordinate, and integrate movements of many people from several nations and organizations across cross-cultural visions and understandings. Each one is like creating a small merger between companies. It takes patience and skill. Here are a few church planting and expansion initiatives we have been working on:

1. Micro Bank: Helping Indian partners institute a micro bank that is lending to the poorest of the poor resulting in families lives and futures being changed, an income stream for their evangelist/church planters, and providing improvements to communities like clean water and education. When you look into the eyes of a person who has been drinking clean water for a month you see the difference. When it is a church that supplies that water your see salvation! The group we partnered with, MEDIC, has more than 250 banks worldwide with 5000 loans in place. I want to help them expand their base of capital in order to continue their holistic church planting efforts. If you want to make an investment in this type of work please let me know.

    2. Church Planter/Leadership Training: The only way the church can grow is through the deliberate development of leaders at every level. In Cuba we have establish a multi-denominational training initiative across  24 denominations. Imagine as you read this new churches are being planted in small homes even though the government tries to stamp out the gospel. Though leaders are harassed, sometimes jailed, and often denied basic needs these courageous leaders continue to build the church. I’m actually looking for more US based businesses, churches and talented individuals to join this partnership as we expand the network… interested? 

     3. Islamification of Europe: This is a term, which refers to the changes we see in Europe. With Muslims moving into Europe in greater numbers they will congregate in communities of like-mindedness. Just as the United States experiences immigration, which produces ethnic communities Europe is made up of the same ethnic community structures but at a much more alarming rate. Several countries soon will teeter on the edge of becoming an Islamic nation (where the Muslim population exceeds the indigenous population) within the next few decades.

This new initiative, which is so sensitive I can’t name it here, is on the move. We have built a database of Islamic groups numbering hundreds of thousands, where they live and whether or not there are any ministries, mission efforts or European national churches engaging them. We are at the point of building profiles and advocating for groups to adopt them for prayer and placement of believers that will live in their communities living out the gospel of Jesus to them and starting new churches. If you or your group want to be an advocate, prayer partner, or perhaps what to move to Europe to live in an Islamic community please, let’s talk.

As I mentioned these partnerships take a lot of time, travel, and ingenuity. As a facilitator I am working across many cultures creating collaboration, mutual respect and genuine relationships. All this effort rises and falls on prayer. Please join us in praying for these efforts. The enemy is real. We have experienced his attacks, but it is worth it.

Cathy and I need you. Please hear that. CATHY AND I NEED YOU. We have enjoyed 14 years of relationship and partnership in the gospel. We have seen thousands of new churches planted each filled with people like Toi, Jose, Angelica, Mohammad, and Tonkunda. We have seen clean water brought to villages, medical care provided and people healed, new futures built by helping establish family and small businesses and helping national churches creating income in order to allow for greater growth. All these efforts result in people finding Jesus, hope and new life. You are a critical part of this effort.

Ever month I tell a story of the work we do on our blog; This seems to be the most effective way to keep everyone updated. You’ll also note that these updated get posted on Facebook. If you are not getting them just call me, drop me a text (7045170255) or email me at:

All of us are human and deal with life situations that are hard but in spite of those we sense the overwhelming hand of God in our lives. Proverbs 17:17 expresses it well; “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Another verse that I love is Ecclesiastes 4:10; “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

Please know that we are very thankful for your love, friendship, prayer, and support. We are proud to serve with each of you. Please accept this annual report with all our love.

This is your investment. This is your joy. Merry Christmas!

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Friday, November 2, 2012


United World Mission is mounting a swift response to the deadly hurricane that struck not only the eastern United States but our partner churches and the people of Cuba.

Many of us personally know family and friends who have suffered devastating losses. Lending a hand is what we are all about as believers. As we help those within our own communities, we are asking that you consider helping our fellow brothers, sisters and their families rebuild their homes and lives as well as reach out to unbelieving Cuban families.

With at least 69 people dead across the Caribbean and thousands displaced from their homes, an immediate response is needed from the Christian community.
Our Cuban partnership network extends across 24 denominations and several of the leaders have lost their homes.   Despite the loss, they are asking if we can partner together to be a witness to the community.

United World Mission desires to deliver $10,000 to our Cuban Partners in order to assist their humanitarian outreach efforts demonstrating Christ’s love and compassion to those far from God in eastern Cuba.

We need your help to empower our Cuban leaders as they aid these disaster victims. We are asking for financial donations as material imports violate US embargo regulations. Please consider making a special disaster response donation on our secure website, here. Please select "Projects" and then "Cuba: Disaster Relief - 63725."

Also would you consider tweeting this request out to your friends? Click the link below.

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  Please select "Projects" and then "Cuba: Disaster Relief - 63725."
More information on our Cuban Partnership Network
Thank you for your sacrifice. Please remember the people of the Cuba in your prayers.

Joe Milioni & Mark Szymanski
Cuba Partnership Coordinators
United World Mission

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Rearview Mirror

For those who know me I love history, old things and nostalgia. Recently I was driving my 1986 Ford F150 (four speed with no A/C) short bed though the old town of Matthews North Carolina past the hardware store, which has been in business since 1900. The truck is Ford white, an old farm truck with 53,000 miles, cracked vinyl seats with a loose spring, a little loud, big mud tires… some would say it is only missing a gun rack in the back window and it would be pure southern!

As I went over the railroad tracks my rearview mirror fell of the front windshield. I didn’t use it much as I also have two large side mirrors but I got to thinking about the importance of a rearview mirror. As I reflected I began to think back…

Over the years I have met many highly passionate and skilled people whose hard work and love for God has impacted many lives. In September I highlighted FollowOne and this month, November, I want to highlight another,

At, this group of men and women has literally mobilized thousands of people into discovering their place in God’s work by helping them fuse their passion and work together. I can’t recommend them highly enough and right now (no pun intended) you should check them out at Since early 2000s we have developed a relationship, which I have enjoyed immensely. We have worked and prayed for significantly impact together over the years.

With much of my recent work focused on helping national believers and organizations set up income generating opportunities within their own country, which fuels their kingdom work. This can only be accomplished as mindsets about business and mission being fused together changes. has been one of the leaders in this movement. A movement which redefines your work as worship. I invite you to watch the video below.

As supporters with Cathy and I over the last several years your partnership has helped establish a banking system in unreached North India with a partnership with MEDIC, which is lending to the poorest of the poor allowing them to redeem not only their souls but also their family’s future. You have also helped to give more than 10 Christian Cubans a chance at expanding the Kingdom of God by allowing them to create greater resources as they started their own businesses.

Together we have helped see churches planted in Vietnam among many minority groups by funding this kingdom expansion though initiating small and medium size business startups.

In the years ahead I hope to tell you more stories as people’s lives are being changed and through collaboration with groups like MEDIC, FollowOne and Rightnow as well as others located in countries like India, Vietnam, Cuba. Heaven will have so many more people in it. You are a part of all this.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Brief Moment… A brief Opportunity

Opportunities abound to prepare the soil, sow, water, and reap God’s increase. Whether I am in Vietnam, Thailand, Congo, Morocco, England or Chile, it’s about people.

When I was a young believer I felt ministry was something I did. Sometimes it was a place I had to go to in order to do something, sometimes it was a position or job I had to occupy in order to be considered doing real ministry. But as I as I have grown and progressed in life and maturity I have found that what flows out of what I was becoming ministers to people. I don’t have to try to do something or even have to be hired to a role or appointed to a position… I was and am still becoming the image of God on earth to people I meet. Who I am is ministry whether I am far away in another place of the world or right back in Charlotte North Carolina.

This became more real to me recently while I was home between trips. I was working at my daughter’s house installing a ceramic tile floor and had to run to Lowe’s to grab something.

I was near the store when I noticed an elderly woman in a car on the other side of the road with her flashers on. I drove through a parking lot to turn around so I could pull up on her side of the road. Putting on my parking brake I got out of my truck and walked to the car in order to ask if I could help.

As I approached the car my investigative instincts kicked in. A quick look told me something was really wrong. I noticed that the elderly driver was on the cell phone in the driver’s seat and another elderly woman laying in the back seat with an oxygen mask on. When the driver saw me she put the cell phone down and I ask her if she needed help and if the woman laying in the back seat was okay.

The driver (Edie) told me that the lady in the back seat (Carolyn) was her older sister who was in the final stages of cancer and she couldn't take the pain any more. Carolyn begged Edie to take her to the hospital. They got half way and Carolyn couldn’t stand the pain anymore so they pulled over and started calling 911 hoping to get transport the rest of the way to the hospital. They had been sitting there for ten minutes and nobody had stopped and no ambulance had arrived.

Edie was tired and you could see the fear on her face. It was already ten minutes and nobody had come yet. So we called and gave better directions where the car was. As we waited together I was able to pray for them both and stay with them until the ambulance arrived.

This was all so very sad. My heart broke. This was so hard. I was so very glad that God placed me there. As the paramedics transferred Carolyn from the car to the ambulance Carolyn never once complained and even apologized to the paramedics for making them work too hard - she was more concerned for them than herself. She demonstrated grace in a time when she obviously was experiencing pain. 

Just that brief interaction allowed me to sense that God seems to put people together that need each other. This brief interaction helped me to choose to be less selfish and more other centric. I again realized that the opportunities abound all around us all to participate in the harvest.

I am learning that each day is an adventure with God. Because He doesn’t want anyone to be separated from Himself and because He is not physically on this earth, I can wake up every day expecting God to use me. In fact I should live expectantly, in anticipation that He will create a scenario that requires my participation for His glory.

On Tuesday September 4, 2012 I received a note from the family that Carolyn passed. I brief meeting, a brief chance to impact eternity. Live expectantly!

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


One of the greatest opportunities I have is to encourage and help partnerships start, take flight and grow. But building partnerships is hard work and those of us doing it often network together receiving from each other advise and counsel, as we discuss best practices, failures and successes. We are a “Band of Brothers and Sisters” that serves the greater body of Jesus to see the church experience everything desired by God.

As we connect people, churches and businesses together with people of other nations and cultures we see everyone involved grow in their passion and love for God and His desire for all the peoples of the earth. One such friendship is with a passionate facilitator, James of FollowOne International. This recent story has created a huge partnership opportunity the perhaps your church may want to consider.

It all began when God started moving in the life of a young girl in Georgia. When James met Emma in 2010 her mother mentioned that Emma has a special place in her heart for China.

James says, “As I sat down and looked into the face of my new eight-year-old friend: beautiful, pure, humble, bright, full of hope and faith. If the Bible included pictures, Matthew 18:1-4 would be illustrated with the picture of someone like, Emma. Jesus called a small child over to him and put the child among them.”

James learned that Emma had been praying for China every night since she was five years old. No one in her family had been to China. There were no Chinese children in her small community. She didn’t know of any families that had adopted a child from China. There was no human explanation of why Emma had been praying for China.

At last she added, “Mr. James, someday I will go to China and tell them how much God loves them.” James was amazed and gave praise to God.

Two days later James received an email from a Chinese friend in Beijing. Among other things, he made this request; “Please remember my nine-year-old son. He is having a hard time in school this week.”

James continued the story, “As I drove down the interstate that day, these children came to mind. I heard myself whisper, I wish there were some way to connect loving, gifted, praying, and believing children in America with children in China. My mind raced for implementation options, but soon the idea began to fade… a wonderful idea, but impossible.”

At that moment I felt the unmistakable words of the Holy Spirit, “There might be a way.”

A little girl in Georgia, a little boy in Beijing and the touch of the Spirit combined to confirm a calling from God. As James began to research ways to connect the underutilized resource of Christian children in America with the beautiful children of China where only five percent live in Christian families.

After two-and-a-half years of research, planning and the miraculous provision of God, FollowOne International is elated to announce the launch of Friends4One.

Friends4One is a friendship, education and missions engagement program that connects children in China with children in America. The program is a 21st century version of the pen pal custom, but with computers and the Internet instead of pens, paper and the postal service. Without leaving their own communities, young Christian ambassadors learn about other cultures, develop authentic relationships and share Christ’s love with children thousands of miles away. The program is designed for children age 12 and younger.

I want to personally encourage each of you as individuals and leaders of Christian schools, churches and families to explore a partnership with Friends4One. Families can sign up individually, but the ministry is even more effective when a children a part of a group working together. This is a great experience for a parent and child to share together, but grandparents are signing up with their grandchildren also.

Over the next two years, FollowOne International is attempting to match 200,000 Christian children with some of the 212 million young children in China. Pray that God will raise up thousands of Emmas to share His love.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cutting the Ribbon and Ties to the Past

In a previous update, April 2011 Starting Banks Depositing Hope, I told the story of how we are helping the churches in North India expand with self sustaining income sources while helping the poorest of the poor lift themselves out of poverty and hopelessness. Things are going well and I wanted to give you an update...

After searching and searching finally the location was selected, remodeled and furnished. Working with the government for approvals are always challenging but it is important to us to make this bank legal in every way, but finally the ribbon was cut and we are underway!

After working with church leaders to identify our first round of potential business people we began the fourteen week training and relationship building classes, which will result in a refinement process leaving teachable and capable loan recipients.

Our goal is to target those who graduated the program in August for their initial loan. This process must be led by God so please pray for Gautam and Ravi as they focus on the final selection of the best people to partner with. We are starting small (less than 40 people) to see what we can learn in this first round of work.

Pray that these loans will not only help improve the financial situation of the receivers but that their lives will also be impacted with God’s truth and that church plants will be supported and built up.
Pray as well for Sunil who helps keep our office running as he has been suffering with tuberculosis.

I can’t adequately convey what this opportunity means to the people of Patna. I wish you can visit to see the hope on their faces. More to come!

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Running for My Life

“We were so hungry” Gee told me as he recounted his story as a refugee hiding in the forests of the central highlands of Vietnam trying to escape capture by the police for being a pastor. Gee is a Montagnard, a French word meaning “People from the mountain”, and refers to an indigenous people from the central highlands of Vietnam.

The 1960s saw increased contact between the hill peoples and the U.S. military. As American involvement in the Vietnam War escalated the Central Highlands emerged as a strategic area to interrupt the Communist Army’s supply line known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail. As many as 40,000 indigenous peoples fought along side U.S. forces throughout the war and after the war thousands fled to Cambodia fearing that the new government would launch reprisals against them.

Gee became a believer in the early 1980s. After learning about God he began to visit other villages talking about Jesus and making disciples. Soon local authorities found out. This angered the new government and Gee was soon arrested and jailed for three months. Upon his release he began again to evangelize, disciple and start new groups. He was arrested four more times, each including beatings, starvation, and threats. With tears in his eyes he recounted one episode where he had to bury a fellow pastor due to the effects of their treatment in jail. 

Gee picks up the story; “I was on my way to a village to perform a marriage. Some how the police new I was going there. My four-year-old son wanted to go so I took him with me. Once in the village police rushed in and arrested me. I was taken into a hut where I was held like Jesus… in the position like I was being crucified. As I was beaten repeatedly my son cried so loudly the police decided to move me to their headquarters.

With police in front of me and behind me I rode my bicycle with my son on it until we came to a fork in the road. At that place there was a path leading into the forest. I made a quick turn down that path and the police couldn’t catch me. I took my son to a friend’s house kissing him goodbye I ran into the forest. 

I met other’s hiding in the forest. We lived only on things we could catch and find. I knew I couldn’t go home and so I hid for more than a year. We were so hungry. One of the men I met in the forest ate something by accident that was poisonous and he died in our arms. From time to time I would sneak into villages visiting believers to encourage them. I often found that police had also visited and destroyed any meetinghouses, literature and Bibles. I knew I would only bring the hatred and anger from the police on villages so I decided to leave and try to get to Cambodia.

I didn’t know which way to go. I had no maps or compass so one night God told me to follow the wind. So each day I would wander trying to follow the wind and survive as best as I could in the forest. Months later I was able to get into Cambodia and finally to Phnom Penh. I registered as a refugee and after nearly a year was placed on a plane for the United States. The year was 2006. 

Once established in North Carolina I was able to get my family to leave Vietnam and come to me. I hardly recognized them when they came… they grew so much but I saw myself in them. As I settled in Charlotte I began to discover other Montagnards and began again to make disciples and have meetings. As a pastor I love God and want others to find God too.”

Over the last few months I have been working with a local church in Charlotte to help Gee reach other Montagnard people and establish a place where they can meet for church and other group celebrations and events. With more than 2000 Montagnards in Charlotte there are many to reach. Our work is not just limited to far away around the word but God is bringing the world to the U.S. and we get the privilege to reach them here.

He broke down as he heard Pastor Mike Miller's desire to help reach the Montagnards near Matthews North Carolina. He said, nobody has cared for them or really helped them. He was so encouraged. Now I'm working to understand the needs between the first generation Montagnards and the second generation (those born in the US or those who came at a very young age). I have found that they are targets for Asian gangs and many second generation find their way to alcohol due to being misfits of the culture.

To ready more about the Montagnard People here is a story around the time that Gee was in and out of prison from the BBC: Here are two additional stories from a few months ago… some things never change:;

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Marriage Made in Heaven

With the coming of summer you start seeing signs “Road Work” and so it is with our work… This year so far has been booming with opportunities to set into motion several new ministries and partnership relationships.

The Kingdom of God is all about relationships, between the Father and ourselves, between those of us of faith, and between those of faith and those who don’t have a relationship with the Father. We come together in relationship to bring glory to God and enjoy His love and presence. It all about relationship and His love for those with whom He lacks a relationship and we can be a part of His passion. Wow!

The plane made a smooth landing gliding gently of the buildings of the small city of Pucallpa in Peru. Once the door was open the moist heat fills the cabin and your shirt begins to soak up your perspiration. I can only dream about the work that is a head. Overnighting in the city the morning will begin with a scurry of activity rounding up supplies that we will transport up the river on a four-hour boat ride.

In this area of Peru there is a small evangelical group who is trying to see more churches planted in a rural area along the river, which is the lifeline to the Indian people who have lived here for millennia. The Peruvian Church group, Divino Redentor has been praying and working to expand the Kingdom of God but needs help. Today more of the prayers are being answered.

Through a divinely inspired network of friend to friend we learned about this group and a group of North Americans who had a heart for remote peoples of Peru. A spiritual marriage made in Heaven. I get to bring the “marriage partners” together and perform the ceremony (facilitate a partnership).

Armed with medical supplies, developmental knowledge, love and God the four-hour river ride brings us to the bank of a village. Both groups begin to interact with the people who are starved for help. Divino Redentor gets a chance to look like heroes bring help. They also gain valuable credibility ground as they present the gospel and work to the start of a church. Divino Redentor will be doing the long haul work but without the North Americans the work would not advance as easily. Both groups are inspired and their own discipleship experience deepened.

The Divino Redentor and North American group will work together to develop a holistic approach to church planting which will include establishing medical huts, clean water for villages, etc.

God at work in and through the lives of people… Isn’t it great!

I have had the privilege to help introduce two new groups into relationship with several national church groups in Cuba. One group began a relationship with the Assemblies of God in Cuba who are growing and planting churches like crazy. I was able to work with a great friend, Pat Summers, to help make this happen. The other group I was able to introduce to a mobile Cuban training group that teaches and mentors church planters across 24 Cuban denominations. All this so the island can see God’s glory and lives can be touched in extraordinary ways.

Thank you for your support in this work. You are part of reaching the unreached from remote villages to repressed countries and modern cities. Thank you.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Eight Years in the Making

As I sat across the table from this couple whose story you will read I remember how impress I was with their unselfish heart and all the way home form Columbia South Carolina I prayed, “God please allow me to be part of their life and story.” That was ten years ago and their passion for the Mapuche people continues to grow. I am privileged to walk with this couple for nearly a decade and share their story with you. 

Chad tells it this way: It started with a shovel and a truck stuck in the snow on the side of a hill but it ended 8 years later with an entire family accepting Christ. Stuck in the snow in the mountains, Pastor Daniel and friends were approached by Sebastian. He had a shovel and lived in the house where the truck was stuck in front of. Was it by chance... no, I don't think so. It was a divine opportunity whose seeds would not sprout for eight years.

This eight year relationship took watering and nurturing. Each time Pastor Daniel was in Quinquen he made a point to visit Sebastian and his family. They shared a meals and spent time together. They shared life. Relationships were strengthened and grew into a friendship.

Two weeks ago Pastor Daniel and I headed to the mountains to the same community with a team of 12 from a church in Arkansas. Our goal was to share the love of God with the people that live there. We visited families while providing health screening, listening, chopping fire wood for the winter and sharing life and love with them. The team also did several skits of Bible stories. Afterwards, Pastor Daniel extended an invitation to accept Christ. It all started to make sense to Sebastian. As Daniel explained who Jesus was Sebastian, his wife and teenage daughter all decided to follow Christ. Wow, we rejoiced with them.

The next day we returned to their house. Chad began discipling them.  Several team members chopped wood in the drizzling rain. Several others shared stories with the children. Sebastian’s other daughter and 23 year old niece also accepted Christ! We celebrated with them.

Eight years ago the seeds were planted. It took love and time to water the authentic friendship not knowing how things would turn out. Taking time to just love people God places in your path places the responsibility for their "coming to Himself" squarely in His lap. We just took advantage of the opportunity and were just being ourselves. As I said, each trip to the mountains there was watering. But the harvest came on this particular trip. The glory belongs to God! Chad and Daniel plan to return to the mountains before the snow sets in when travel becomes difficult or impossible.

Tonight as you lay down to sleep you can close your eyes knowing that the church is growing among the Mapuche people. Take time to see in you minds eye this family. Pray for Sebastian and his family as they grow in Christ and began to share with those around them. Please pray for Chad and Pastor Daniel as they continue to equip people to study God’s word. Pray for the Mapuche who are largely unreached people of southern Chile and Argentina.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Whip... (Country withheld for security reasons)

The screams where heard by many as the electrical wires laid open the flesh of the young pastor’s back. Huddled on the ground the brutal beating by the local police official was objected to even by those who resented the pastor and didn’t believe. When the pastor finally lost consciousness the official spit on him and walked away.

As a young man pastor "B" was resolute in this small community evangelizing and proclaiming the love of the gospel. He daily sowed into lives of those around him living only on what he could make from occasional work and the gifts provided by new converts.

Pastor "B" will be the first to tell you he is no hero but a humble servant of God. Over forty years hundreds of churches have been planted due to his courage. In this nation churches are started with no existing believers... all new converts, people give from what God provides... not from their surplus and worship is conducted with minimal instrumentation due to their lack of resources.

After the beating people gathered up the pastor placing him on a cart for the trip to the hospital. Those who witnessed the savage brutality urged the pastor to bring charges against the official. Pastor was worried that his initiating court action would place a barrier between the official and the cross. Though physical persecution was common in private this public brutality could cost the official to loose his job and perhaps go to prison if convicted.

As the pastor recuperated he made his decision and forgave the official. This act of grace triggered a turning point in the ministry. He now leads one of the largest churches in this island nation and is a symbol of God's mercy to a lost people.

As I sit with this man and ask what motivated him to make such a decision he simply stated, "If a corn seed isn't willing to be planted and die it can't grow into nourishing food for others. My Lord was willing and so am I."

On this partnership trip the team trained 105 missionaries and were able to supply funding for 18 new churches from which proven leaders will start other new churches. Wow!

I can’t name the place where this took place but please pray for those believers who are in prison and persecuted. Today, more than 200 million Christians suffer for their faith, each day threatened with murder and other acts of violence according to

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski
Cell: 704.517.0255

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Island on Fire

In a few days I head back to C*ba where I will be facilitating a group focused on training national workers as they reach people, make disciples and start new churches.

Today when you visit the island you see horse pulled carts, shells of 1950 cars, government regulation at every level, food fuel, sugar, and coffee, medical treatment and hundreds of other items all rationed by the government and a church on fire! This is the world of C*ba, which sits just 90 miles from our shores.

United World Mission started when a group of churches in Ohio banded together (united) to establish a ministry (mission) around 1945. A training center was built; churches were planted, national leaders trained, and a vision for sending C*ban missionaries established. Then power shifted from one dictator to another and along with it came the invitation to all missionaries to leave… well it was more than an invite, they were thrown out. This resulted in United World Mission moving into other nations from Latin America to Africa to Asia. Today our work spans 35 nations.

Today, though C*ba is still restricted, I get a chance to help see churches multiply across the island by facilitating North American business people, churches, and other groups work together with national denominations. Recently as I began a discussion with a new North American church interested in C*ba I recounted the ministry work to them… as I looked back I was amazed. Sometimes I don’t look back and savor enough of what God is doing.

One C*ban group is made up of more than 20 denominations working together to identify areas of need resulting in 90 new churches planted in just the last two years, wow!

Now, we like to talk about churches planted but we must remember that each of these churches are filled with individuals, families like you and I who were once lost, troubled, broken, and without hope. 

“ Eduardo”, not his real name, was one such person. His family was struggling and fighting was a daily part of family life. “Things were always bad. I guess we were looking to each other to fill deep needs we both had. But this was not possible. Then a person came to us and talked about Jesus Christ. He explained that Jesus came to forgive and to help us to be filled with love, joy and peace. We needed something and Jesus became our savior and answer to our family need. Things are getting a lot better.”

Cathy and I want to thank you for your help as we see people healed, whole and growing in a knowledge of who they are in Jesus. Would you stop today and take five minutes to pray for the many Eduardos and their families living just 90 miles away for the United States?

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski
Cell: 704.517.0255

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Cold Chill

WARNING Difficult Story Material

Deep in the jungles of DR Congo *Mama Jannie hides covering her child's mouth so as to not allow the rebel militia to find them but the small whimper is heard, they are soon discovered and Mama Jannie is gang raped, left for dead, and her child murdered.

Samuel* runs from murderous armed bandits who are ransacking his village raping women, stealing anything of value, and forcing the men of his village who can't get away to join their militia. Samuel manages to hide in the jungle but a day later gets sick and within the week he dies of dysentery.

Armed militants invade Mani's* village. Horrified, he witnesses his father's murder and mother's rape. His younger brothers and sisters sit on the side of the house crying over the bodies. Mani is forced to join the militia and is marched off into the jungle toward the next village as his training to become a killer begins.

You find yourself sitting with the survivors of this genocide desiring to tell them that God loves them... What does that even mean to people who have witnesses and experienced so much. Words, so easy to speak and so hard to follow up. Looking deep into the eyes of those you talk to you experience a depth of hopelessness you never imagined. You feel the weight of emptiness and hollowness of a soul. A forgotten people, a story of genocide untold, a people brought to the brink and left for dead. Again, God loves them but what does that look like?

The gospel's words aren't enough, more is demanded. A holistic gospel. I remember the words of Jesus, "as you go preaching, heal the sick, feed the poor, raise dead... incarnational (I am the church), holistic ministry (word and deed).

All gospel work here demands holistic approaches that attend to the heart's emotional pain, the mind's intellectual growth,  the physical life challenges,  and the spiritual longings.

Over the past decade hundreds of thousands of women** and girls have been raped in the DRC. Women were raped with such brutality that tens of thousands required corrective surgeries. More than five million in DR Congo were either murdered or died from lack of medicine or food as armies from eight surrounding countries plundered DR Congo's  natural resources. While Rwanda was a known atrocity the DR Congo was at lest five times greater and not even mentioned in the press.

Kelynna* was  one who was raped resulting in a child, relegated to a life of prostitution, poverty and social humiliation.

But today, hope is alive as one of Congo Iniative's six foci, the center for holistic family development works with women rebuilding their lives through counseling, income development, discipleship, and fellowship and community. Today Kelynna is healing and has a small business selling soap and hand crafts. She is learning English and her children are attending a primary school thanks for the Congo Initiative.

After the many trips in and out of DR Congo I find myself back on the plane processing as I heading back to tell the stories and help those interested parties connect to this strategic partner. How do I tell the stores of new hope? How do I... stop weeping? Brokenness is part of my routine. Heaviness, morning, God help us be attentive to your plans for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Pray for the Congo Initiative. Pray for this land. Recent elections have the potential to set this country on a new course. Won’t you pray?

*Based on true stories but names have been changed
**IPS News

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski
Cell: 704.517.0255

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!