Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Story from UCBC in Beni DR Congo - "UCBC has Given Us a New Way of Defining Ourselves"

Jimmy Tsongo (pictured right with Dr. David Kasali) is a winsome, charming young man--one of UCBC's brightest. He is personable, self-confident, intelligent, and entrepeneurial. If you met Jimmy today, you would probably find it hard to believe that he began his studies at UCBC 6 years ago unable to speak or understand any English! Recently, Jimmy and some of his fellow graduates of UCBC gave testimony of how UCBC has changed their lives. As you read what Jimmy had to say, think about what it would have been like to come to a brand new university that barely had a building, no track record, no history, no tenured professors . . .and in a post-conflict zone, no less! An improbable project, in the most improbable of places. Yet that's exactly what Jimmy did when he audaciously agreed to be part of the first class of students at UCBC. They were trail blazers in the truest sense. Here's what Jimmy had to say:
I came to UCBC from another university considered to be one of the best in all of Congo. I've recognized one big difference from that university and UCBC. I could fill my head with a lot of theories; I had very good teachers. But coming here to UCBC has let me find out that it is not only academics that will help young people to change the situation in our communities. For my fellow graduates and myself, our time at UCBC changed all dimensions of our lives - spiritual, social, and intellectual. Our Christian faith has been sharpened. We have learned a whole new way of seeing the world. We have come to believe that even simple people can effect change. We will be the change.

We learn here that a successful person is the one who has not only developed his own life, but has been blessed enough to bless people around him. When we get out of this school, we are equipped not to improve our personal lives [only], but to work as agents of development. When we choose our jobs, we [always] have that in mind. There is a way to develop our individual lives [as] we are serving others. 

I came to UCBC not able to speak a word in English. Now, without fear I am addressing this assembly. The way was long and we faced many challenges, but as a community, we overcame all of them. Our lives have been marked for good. UCBC has given us a new way of defining ourselves. If we had the means, we would like the whole world to know that if all Congolese schools were like UCBC, in not more than five years Congo would be a different place.
I have a special message for any person interested in supporting this school: I came here 6 years ago. And today when I am leaving, I am thankful, and I ask you to not stop supporting [UCBC]. More men and women like me will be transformed and impacted by this philosophy. Today we might be [few]. Tomorrow, with your help, we will be hundreds. And hundreds more will be changed through us. Thank you for everything!

Jimmy plans to continue developing his entrepeneurial passion through business ventures grounded in Christian ethical practices. Jimmy's story is but one of many, of lives transformed from timidity and lack of purpose to men and women equipped to live out their full potential in service to a nation crying out for healing and restoration. You can be part of this story! Your pledge of support enables students just like Jimmy to be nurtured intellectually, morally, and relationally. Your decision to be part of the change happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo is a commitment not merely to a charity or project, but to a community and its way of life, where Congolese men and women discover "a new way of defining" themselves. To donate to UCBC click here. Thank you!

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Thursday, December 5, 2013

2013 Year End Update


As we give thanks for Jesus during this Christmas season I would like to ask if you would want to consider a small special gift to a project that I am working on. So, do you know who is moving in next door?

Well, I do, or should I say I could find out. My friend Trevor and I are directing a group from Columbia International University in a new initiative to discover who is moving to where by creating a digital method of identifying where unreached/unengaged people live using social media. Why? By knowing this we can build teams to move into those communities and begin the process of evangelism and church planting.

This new solution would save the global mission community hundreds of thousands of dollars annually by performing a digital research trip before performing a field visit. I need to raise $4500.00 for this project. If you want more information please call or email me.

If you want to contribute this project you can go here and select “Give Online” and under “Designation” select “Projects” and find “Europe: Vision 5.9 – 63480”. THANKS!

What The World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love

More than a lyric in a song it is the truth. Jesus declared that they would know us by our love. I am deep into the planning stage of The Justice Conference Charlotte 2014. As the Director I am leading a team that is working hard to attract more than 1500 people and 300 to 500 youth around justice topics that only people of faith can bring complete solutions to.

Without faith we only tackle part of the problem. The heart of men, women, youth and children need to be radically changed in order to revolve human trafficking, extreme poverty, racial reconciliation, domestic violence, homelessness, and the many other issues that plague our world. So it all starts with the gospel of Jesus.

Pray for our team and the countless hours it will take to attract, educate inspire and mobilize as we unite and ignite a generation around a shared concern for the vulnerable and oppressed becoming a single voice for justice. The ability to impact the issues our world and local communities face is in our hands. These are our children, our families, and our communities. Join us and be part of the solution. I love the quote from Nelson Mandela, “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that generation.” Join us and be that great generation!

Finally, Cathy and I want to say thank you. I pray you will have a great Christmas and New Year. I pray you will deepen your relationship with Jesus and know Him more passionately.

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see United World Mission. Thank you to our present supporters that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It Takes a Team

Wow, another month has flown by and speaking of flying it seems like life is a blur.

As the Conference Director for The Justice Conference Charlotte 2014 my teams and I are well into the planning and development of this conference.  Our goals are simple; to attract believers into discussion around justice issues effecting people both local and global bringing education on these issues, and connecting people to opportunities. 

With about 30 pre-conference sessions ranging from human trafficking, to extreme poverty, racial and religious conflict, to homelessness and many other topics we seek to set in motion thousands of people of all ages. Check out our web site and like us on our Facebook page. If you are in the southeast region of the US, plan on being there. Make sure you let me know so I can connect with you. Please pray as this is a huge undertaking.

In addition I am also working to coordinate a research project with Columbia International University designed to discover a new type of unreached people group identification and location. Using social media our hope is to learn where 142 unreached people groups are located in Western Europe. Follow up will entail mobilizing team to relocate and engage these groups bringing the gospel in relevant ways to them. Our belief is that God has moved these peoples from their native countries to places where it is legal to reach out, build relationships and introduce the gospel. Pray for this process.

A friend of mine is leading a team in Egypt right now. They are connecting with many churches that have been attacked and burned by extremists. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Egypt and across the world who are threatened on a regular basis because of their faith.

Thank God for a special gift to our Cuban work to find the mobile training center for another year. This training center provides leadership coaching, churches planting training and evangelism preparation. Please pray for funding as we are trying to build a seed fund to start a trucking company that will permanently fund this training center as well as a fund that will be able to send Cuban missionaries into other parts of the world. I would love to talk to you if you are interested in hosting a fundraiser or willing to contribute to this fund.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see United World Mission. Thank you to our present supporters that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Hey, Is That a Curve in the Road… and ANOTHER Vehicle Coming!

 In a world where global travel is the norm perhaps many of you have experienced the tense feeling you get when your bus is traveling down a high mountain road approaching a bend when suddenly another vehicle appears and will pass you right on the bend! You find yourself staring out the side window down a mile deep gorge realizing that if the driver misjudges, even inches, you will find yourself tumbling end-over-end most likely waking up to see Jesus!

Well this summer has been a road filled with curves. As I am working with Columbia International University we are preparing to investigate a process to locate 142 unengaged Muslin groups in Europe. This is the first step in mobilizing people to reach these groups. Using census data gets us general information but we need more. Building this semester lab will attract the “social media gurus” needed to develop this new ethnographic research tool for the global mission community.

Whoa, survived that curve but I see the sign, “windy road a head”.

I am the Conference Director for The Justice Conference Charlotte planned for February 21-22, 2014. Last year’s conference was a huge success but not being satisfied with the thrill of this curve we are taking it to another level… we will be merging with the National Justice Conference leveraging the influence of having a national voice on justice issues with the power of mobilizing local people into opportunities in the southeast United States as well as overseas. Our model will be replicated in 50 cities across the US. We can see tens of thousands mobilized to touch people’s lives.

Whoa, we are in the curve now and holding on (I do have a smile on my face)!

Thursday evening, August 15th, United World Mission (UWM) Board voted unanimously to take over Latin American Mission (LAM). LAM is a great mission organization and one, which has built extensive networks into the Latin World both with great ministries as well as Latin missionary sending groups. Due to some internal limitations LAM sought out UWM and discussions began. Over the next half-year the UWM partnership team will work to meet with and integrate about 150 or so missionaries and 87 national partners. This is exciting as we continue to build a global team of talented, passionate, workers made up of people from many cultures.

Whoa, I saw the curve but didn’t realize it would be that big of one… (Imagine me hanging out the window)!

Okay, last item or curve for now… please pray as I work with this Muslim movement in Europe. I am now starting to meet with and work with people from the largest church on the middle east/north Africa. They send hundreds of North African missionaries into Islamic nations all over the world. As we consider reaching European Muslims we will need missionaries not only form North America but also and most like more from Latin America and Middle East/North Africa.

Whoa, God saw this curve happening and has already built the needed roadbed for safe passage on the curve… (Hanging on and depending on His wisdom)!

As we navigate these curves I suddenly realize who the driver is, Jesus. We hold onto Him as we balance life and ministry. Our work is all about setting people and initiatives in motion so that lives are changed and Jesus made real... and you are a critical part of this work. We know you pray for us and stand with us as we grow the kingdom. THANK YOU.

Would you help us discover others who may want to help these efforts? PLEASE, consider helping us grow our support base.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see United World Mission. Thank you to our present supporters that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Reaching Diaspora Peoples of Europe - July 2013

In this Szymanski News and Update I want to unpack something that is often not a popular topic, reaching M*slms.

In the west today there are plenty of people, both non-believers and believers who are not very happy with efforts to reach M* people with the Gospel. I can understand those feelings however pushing through those natural responses I look to a day described in Revelation 7:9… “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”
I am part of an innovative group that has identified 142 unengaged M* people groups located in the many countries of Europe. We have accurate numbers of how many live in each country but are not sure what cities or better yet what areas of the city they live in. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of diaspora peoples some who have fled their home country while others simple moved for other reasons. We do know God has brought them to a free Europe for a purpose. It would take massive amounts of money to send people physically to the country to research each group so we are working to develop a methodology using social media platforms to identify these unreached groups. If successful a paper will be presented at a national mission conference in 2014 as it may have broader implications.

So, how are we planning on doing this? Census data research will only get us so far. We know the types of groups living and working in these nations but their exact location needs to be researched. So we are attempting to use social media and Internet forums to see if we can develop a methodology that brings more precise living locations for us to work from. Once this data is developed we’ll work to roll out a mobilization plan to the mission world for engagement. We want people to move to these communities. Love, live with and introduce these groups to Jesus.

Why Europe? Europe is a free region of the world and many of these groups, if they would remain in their home nation, would be out of reach of the gospel. In the Book of Acts; 17:24-27, it appears that God moves people to nations for His purposes and salvation… The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.”

Why Diaspora? Diaspora peoples have a variety of needs that permit people to interact with, befriend, and build relationships with as we actually care about them. As we live out our lives together our lives are a book to be read and build creditability for discussion. Knowing the Holy Spirit is always at work we trust Him to draw and save.

Please pray for our efforts. A major university is considering approving a semester lab to develop the methodology. A colleague and I have raised the necessary monies for the lab and oversight but as you can imagine this will also be a spiritual fight. We have already felt resistance so if you can remember us as we move forward I would appreciate it. Feel free to contact me directly for more detailed information.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see United World Mission. Thank you to our present supporters that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

2013 Mid Year UPDATE

Cathy and I wanted to take this time to give you a brief update on the ministry work we are involved in. We desire your partnership, financially and through prayer, as we continue to build present and new initiatives. The potential to set many thousands in motion for the Kingdom of God is happening and as we continue with new opportunities we know we will face obstacles so we will need your encouragement.  THANK YOU… Mark & Cathy Szymanski

1.     We continue to work with several United World Mission teams to develop partnerships that advance nationally led movements. One in particular is a mobile leadership and church planting training cooperative across 29 denominations in Cuba. The next phase will now include starting a Cuban missionary training center to send Cubans into other nations of the world. Much of this relies on developing Cuban businesses that will fund these movements.

2.     I am part of an initiative that has identified 142 unengaged Islamic groups located in Europe. We know how many live in each country but are not sure what cities or better yet what areas of the city they live in. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of diaspora peoples some who have fled their home country while others simple moved for other reasons. We do know God has brought them to a free Europe for a purpose. It would take massive amounts of money to send people physically to the country to research each group so we are working to develop a methodology using social media to identify these unreached groups. If successful a paper will be presented at a national mission conference in 2014.

3.     I will be the Conference Director for the Justice Conference, which will be help in Charlotte NC February 2014. After a successful 2013 conference where we attracted more than 500 people from five states and several countries we are taking it a step further. Every week since the conference we receive stories of how those who attended are touching lives, it’s truly amazing. After discussions with the national justice movement we will merge the strengths of each into a new model. The power of mobilizing masses of local people will be combined with the power of a national voice and group passion. This new model will be held in 20 cities across the United States on February 21-22, 2014. There is a lot of work a head so please pray. The look will change soon but for now PLEASE LIKE US on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/IgniteJusticeConference

4.      I have been asked to serve on MEDIC (Mercy and Economic Development International Concern’s Advisory Board. This is a honor as I have built a partnership between MEDIC and United World Mission to establish several micro banks in North India. This has opened many doors to several unreached groups who live in extreme poverty. This relationship has also grown to see church planting training in several countries in West Africa. We have over 120 banks in place and more than 5000 loans on the books.

Lastly I want to share with you that I need to grow in my business knowledge and application. Establishing self-sustaining Christian groups in countries that are very impoverished often requires economic development, business. The church grows when it is funded. It is sustainable when its own people fund it. Our challenge is to create the tools necessary for this to happen. I would love to have a mentor in this area.

The church is very alive and growing around the world. Check out our web site for the amazing stories of what God is doing at www.mszymanski.com.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see www.uwm.org. Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Numb3rs – Swedish Partnership UPDATE

In 2008 a Three Way Partnership was initiated between EFK – Korskyrkan, Riverbend Church (SC), and United World Mission in Lulea, Sweden.

You might be wondering, Sweden? You might have thought that this nation is a Christian nation but this is far from the facts. The truth is that less than one percent of the nation calls themselves evangelical. “Though Sweden has a deep historical Christian experience the last several generations have lost the story and today’s population know virtually nothing about the living God,” says Richard Hultmar, EFK – Korskyrkan  church planter in northern Sweden.

With some of the highest suicide, abortion and singleness rates relationships are hard. People tend to congregate in pubs and clubs from Friday evening to Sunday. This is an enlightened population who pride themselves in knowledge and independence. “Life is good here so why would any intelligent person believe in or need something called God,” said Lars. I had a long conversation with him in a bar one night and found he never heard of the Christmas story or Easter. He knew of St. Nicholas and heard of Jesus but didn’t know what He was all about.

Several partnership surveys demonstrated that on the campus of Lulea Technical University there were 5000 students and 9 Christians.

Starting with this small group Riverbend began a campus discipleship ministry with hopes of sending out graduates into the whole of Northern Europe that were capable of multiplying themselves.

The initial year was slow with three new believers but we knew a focus of relationship building would create a solid foundation. These last four years Riverbend sent teams to Lulea to perform research, encourage believers in two local churches, gave confidence to this fledgling campus ministry and their leaders, as well as helped with outreach activities.

Progress saw more believers and leaders grow. The leadership team is 2nd and 3rd generation today. When asked about what they want to see God do, their response was, “Every student, faculty and staff has an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.”  It’s exciting to see their heart for those far from God grow.  Our desire is implement more equipping so that as students graduate, they are confident in making disciples and starting simple churches wherever God takes them.  We have a goal to start 2 to 3 new groups focused on making disciples.

 As a part of more intentional training, we are planning a 10-day LINC (Laborers Impacting the Nations for Christ) during Welcome Week at the end of August.  We hope to recruit recent graduates who have all been through LINC in the states to help out!

Speaking of recent grads, there are now six new locations in Sweden and Norway where graduates live (check out the Google map). We desire to learn more about the spiritual climates of these cities and towns and see if there is a desire to be more equipped with tools for disciple making.

Our desire to see graduates equipped as workers for the Kingdom of God is becoming a reality.  Now we want to see the heart to own the Great Commission not just for Sweden but also to the ends of the earth.  We can already identify about four countries where Americans can’t gain access, but there are already Swedes on the grounding with professional careers.  We can equip Swedes to go places we can’t consider to expand the Kingdom of God to see the unreached reached!  We would love to see a short-term missions trip planned this year to explore at least one location. 

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski


Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see www.uwm.org. Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Monday, April 15, 2013

MIS Partnership: Celebrating in the Sand – Part 2 – The Baptism

The partnership creates collaboration between churches, businesses and this national work located in West Africa. As I mentioned before it has established an area in which there are 400 unreached “M” villages. Partners work together to create friendship and trust and together with village leadership they tackle difficult holistic issues associated with life in the rural interior of Senegal. A Senegalese church planter develops relationships and discipleship starting with village leadership and leads all work. So here is the rest of the story described by Matt Paschall...

Celebrating in the Sand
Fifty-eight Lives Changed  -  The Baptism

Ngor Sarr looked to me like a college football lineman - tall, muscular, barrel chested.  As he approached the front of the church, 300 people whispered, "That guy is a champion wrestler in our town".  He was the next candidate for baptism.  His two year old son followed and bellied himself up onto the concrete platform.  The young father picked up his toddler in his huge arms and started his story.

"I have never been baptized before.  If you would have told me that I would be standing here in front of you like this, I would have told you that you were crazy.  Most of you know that I am a cattle man and in order to protect the animals we have to be strong, carry weapons and wear amulets for spiritual protection."  

Ngor went on to say how his wife had become a Christian and how her life changed.  One day she removed all of the magic fetishes from their children.  "At first, I didn't think it was a good idea.  But I decided to see if Jesus was strong enough to protect my family.  When I saw that He had the power to protect us, I began to trust Him.  Now I stand here today ready to follow Christ and lead my family."

Later when Ngor went into the water for baptism, it took two pastors to submerge him.  When he emerged, there was a huge grin.  He came out dripping wet and then did a spontaneous dance of celebration.  I tried my best to capture the day in this short video. 

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see www.uwm.org. Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Celebrating in the Sand By Matt Paschall, Senegal Partnership

Matt and I have worked together for nearly 15 years and I have enjoyed our times of training people for short term trips, working toward their fielding to West Africa and the partnership. This is part one of a two part short series. I'll send the next one in a week so you don't feel disconnected.

This partnership creates collaboration between churches, businesses and the ministry in Senegal. The goal is to reach 400 unreached villages. Partners work together with to create friendship
and trust and together with village leadership they tackle difficult holistic issues associated with life in the rural interior of Senegal. A Senegalese church planter develops relationships and discipleship starting with village leadership and leads all work. My numbers may be a little out of date but MIS is working in nearly 70 villages with churches established in approximately 40. Matt Paschall describes some of the process in the story and video.

Saturday, March 16th, was an exciting day in Kotiokh (pronounced "ko-cho") where 58 new believers from five nearby villages came together to celebrate their new life in Christ. A big tent was set up with a sound system and over 300 people came from miles away to witness the event. This was also a community wide celebration of the newly completed church building.

Eight years ago, I still remember ministering in this village for several days and gathering with all of the believers under a large neem tree in front of Wally Senghor's house. Before we left, Wally and his brother told us that they would donate part of their field for space to build a church. We continued to pray for them and seek how God might provide the funds for the cement and raw materials.

When I visited Kotiokh back in the summer of 2011 with a short-term team from Peekskill, New York. We stood inside the unfinished church walls on a dirt foundation with about 100 people and the youth choir lead in worship, "This is the Day that the Lord Has Made" in Serere, Wolof, French and English. Pastor Corby Angle prayed to dedicate the building which was 75% finished.

Now the church has a new tin roof, metal doors and windows. In January, we took my in-laws out to see the completed church construction. Now just two weeks before Easter, what a joy it was to see the fruit from so many years continue to grow and multiply. Then standing outside at the baptismal basin, the powerful message of Easter resurrection enacted before imams and moms, as people gave public testimony of their faith in Christ!With my shoes still wet from the splash of several immersions and my pant legs splattered in sandy mud from standing in the front row, there is no place I would rather be to celebrate the resurrection and there is no greater joy than seeing new lives forever changed.

Our God is Mighty to Save!

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see www.uwm.org. Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

Next week, part 2, The Baptism!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm Changing, It's Weird By Lorenzo Monge, France

The snow was here once again. This winter seems very long and pretty tiring! But even with all the crazy weather lives are being changed and we celebrate many encouraging things God is doing in January and February. There are so many great things that have happened since this partnership began in 2008. Some newsworthy updates are:

Building authorizations: It's official!  We now exist as a church. It's such a relief that we received those very last authorizations. Now we have officially the right to open our doors, to do all the work we have to do; a parking lot (ours is already full), 30 more spots... Come on!

Four recent baptisms: We were full of joy when we baptized two women in January and 2 men in February. These were our first baptisms and they were great events for us, the church, the team, but also for all families and friends who shown up. For many of them, it was the very first time they've seen adult baptisms.

There is more organization to do with all different volunteers, so another step of faith. For now, we feel quite tired, especially with the baptisms, the weather and the number of guests who show up, but in the long term, having two celebrations will help everybody as they attend and learn more about the love of God.

A teenager environment: "Jump". Since September we separated the junior high teens from the youngest teens. In the beginning it was pretty slow. On the other hands, a 15-year-old girl gave her life to the Lord. In January and February few more guys came after the first evening together talking and playing bowling. A few of them never heard anything about God, but they all want to see each other again. Let's see what happens. Pray with us. Kids are giving their lives to the God. A 9 years old girl who composed and wrote a worship song, kids who are following the Lord, It’s great. If we invest so much energy in our After'Dul and Kiddiboum (2 of our kids environment) it's because we're so convinced that those kids want to know the Lord and even if the parents are non-believers every one likes this work.

One women said, “It is just incredible, the Bible, it is something that gives me peace". This is her first time she ever read the bible. She went onto say, “I'm changing, it's weird”.

Read more about Lorenzo & Marie Alice Monge at: eglisedelabrie.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ignite Justice

January found me helping to facilitate a Charlotte based Ignite Justice Conference with a local and global in focus. The update is that it was “over the top” and you all played a role in it as I tweeted and used Facebook update the progress and impact, so thank you for your prayers and partnership in the gospel.

Though we hoped for 1000 we ended up at over 450 in attendance. This was the first year and I don't think anyone really knew what to expect but everyone felt it was hugely (is that a word) successful. People were very engaged concerning and learning about injustice issues both here and around the world. Many made commitments to become involved. I think next year (this was the first year) will be even greater impact. 

From the start, Derwin Grey from Transformation Church called us to embrace the challenge that Jesus mandated. Things went from good to great as, Stephan Bauman of World Relief shared. Then the group went off to breakout sessions with offering such as: Be the Answer, Prayer & The Persecuted Church, Sex Trafficking, and several others like, Missions at Our Doorstep and Justice in the Neighborhood. The youth had a track called, Justice in the Hallways revolving around bullying. 

I had the chance to host a breakout on healthy partnerships and I will have several appointments flowing out of it for consultation. I already have a couple emails from people wanting to schedule times to discuss their situations. 

I helped to bring in Jonathan Shaw, UWMer headed to DR Congo and serving with Congo Initiative, from Ann Arbor and his time went well. Jonathan and Kate want to transition to DR Congo in July so please pray of that. I know he got one new supporter and he went home with a fist full of names to follow up on. This conference had both a local focus and international focus with the international side being dominated by Africa injustice so UWM's history and Jonathan Shaw's connection made a great platform for discussion and engagement. 

Arlesia Hill, owner of GOGREEGTOURS and a volunteer I recruited to become a local advocate for Congo Initiative, was really energized as she is working toward building for a Charlotte based David Kasali (Congo Initiative Founder) meeting the end of February, called Arts for Congo. So I think I may have Jonathan Shaw come back to attend this "Art for Congo" event in order to help gather more supporters for their ministry. Very cool stuff here.

I was able to sit and have an extended conversation with Lauri Elliott, Executive Director of The Afribiz Foundation. She authored a book, Create Wealth in Africa and is very accomplish. Her network is very interested in making a trip to see Beni, DR Congo for investigative purposes around development of a business energizer (she describes this as bigger than a business incubator). This is exciting as this is a much needed ingredient for the church in east Africa to expand and multiply resulting in their people realizing stability and staging to effect the surrounding nations on the continent.

You may know that DRC is the center of Africa and this nation has the potential to impact many surrounding nations. Congo Initiative's Bilingual University, that the Shaws will help lead (they will be the third PhD resident), is training new leaders with a biblical world view, bilingual capacity, and market (applied science, business, communication, etc), church (theological track), and leadership skills (critical thinking and a new pedagogy). Last year they graduated about 350 people! Lauri's economic impact and work and network has already been felt in other nations and she has started to explore DRC and was looking for a national partners. Congo Initiative may be that partner.

Michele Dudley who led this event was extremely encouraged and tired but saw her vision to mobilize people to engage injustice issues realize. Michele and Celeste Bundy in 2012 started a free trade fashion business, Fashion & Compassion and you should visit the online store. This was very cool to help her succeed and see her vision grow larger.

Lastly I spoke with another group who wanted our Sembradores training materials that we use in Cuba for a Dominican Republic partnership they are in for evaluation and possible implementation. I sent them to him but will follow up with a proposal that our Cuban trainers go to the Dominican Republic to perform the initial "train the trainers" session. My colleague, Joe Milioni and I want to build a missionary vision in the hearts of the Cuban brothers so as our Sembradores partnership develops a cross-cultural training center in Cuba the can pass this vision onto Cuban who are being called to leave the island and serve in other places. I think this experience will help expand their vision as they realize that they have tangible offerings to the missionary world beyond Cuba. 

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski


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