Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Right now I am at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California working on a partnership to advance the Kingdom by placing talented graduating seniors around the world. Thsi article written by Linnea Swenson tells the story of Ryan but now we are expanding the opportunities by placing APU grads in United World Mission fields in the 10-40 Window.

Azusa Pacific Office of Missions Offers Chance To Be H.I.S. Servant
“If your desire is to see God’s name glorified around the world, you’ve got a program right here that helps you find an organization that is already doing that and to partner with them,” senior youth ministry major Ryan Hernandez said.

This fall Hernandez was accepted into the Institute for Outreach Ministries H.I.S.years program,which began last fall, and plans on partnering with Frontiers, a Christian organization that works with the least-reached Muslim communities around the world. “I wanted to be involved in youth ministries, but I knew I didn’t want to do typical American youth ministry,” Hernandez said. “Evangelizing and ministering to kids in another context and culture is definitely something I’ll look to.”

The H.I.S.years program started last fall and allows recent graduates seniors the opportunity to pursue missionary work abroad without the added responsibility of paying off student loans. “There’s a lot of freedom. They help us, pray for us, guide us, and offer suggestions, but nothing’s forced. They [the H.I.S.years staff] are here to facilitate and free us up,” Hernandez said. If a student is approaching the stage of “what am I going to do after I graduate,” the H.I.S.years program is one worth looking into. “Its purpose is mobilizing young adults toward involvement in God’s global agenda,” Executive Director of the Institute for Outreach Ministries George Bache said. This “sending” program, offered through the Institute for Outreach Ministries, is specifically designed for APU graduates to take advantage of while in their first year after graduation.

“The acronym stands for Hearing, Investing and Serving. The idea is that now that I’m graduated, I’m going to give Him, His years,” Bache said. “You’re going to give Him back two years for the blessing of being able to come and gain this gifting of education and opportunity at Azusa Pacific.”

“By the grace of God and a certain creativity, relentless pursuit, some prayer and serious conviction, we found a way to find a enough money to pile it now to remove the financial barriers. We’ll cover your student loans for two years. And you go out and serve,” Associate Vice President for Internationalization Matt Browning said. Students can apply for the H.I.S.years program in the fall of their senior year. The whole fall semester is available for students to begin planning, researching and talking with organizations. In the spring, students are asked to commit 100 percent to the H.I.S.years program.

“I believe we have a responsibility as a God First university to get uniquely creative to figure out how to make the corner of Citrus and Alosta a launch-pad for people to solve world problems,” Browning said. The H.I.S.years staff are committed to finding experts to help students get financial advice and assistance on managing their loans post graduation—whether a student is in the H.I.S.years program or not.

According to Coordinator for Program Development and Mobilization Jillian Gilbert the program is designed for those with student loans but will also help those without loans.
Although H.I.S.years has only been active for the past year and a half, there are already 15 students in the program. Six graduates were sent out last year and nine seniors are preparing to go out in 2009.
“Our ministry philosophy is holistic, meaning that, it’s not just about spreading the good news but it’s also about being in the community, in community development, reaching them in a practical way,” Gilbert said. Students can receive more information on the H.I.S.years program by going to the Institute for Outreach Ministries and speaking with the coordinator for program development and mobilization Jillian Gilbert.

Thanks for helping us advance the gospel by building the harvest force.

Mark Szymanski

Friday, September 18, 2009


Today I had the priviledge to meet our Cuban brothers who are in the US meeting with partners. As you know I help facilitate a group of 13 partners who interact with a movement in Cuba whose goal is to plant churches across the island. Pray for me as I will visit the island in December to introduce another person into the partnership. Our effort is resulting in new churches and new leaders being trained at a seminary level.

Our goal is to see another 100 churches planted in the next several years and a fully equipped seminary established. Thanks for your prayers and partnership.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Well, I am on my way home from Atlanta sitting at exit 40 on I85. Decided to stop at Arby’s before it got too late to eat. So it’s about 9:00 pm and still two hours from home. I heard a country western song on the radio about being from a small town and I couldn’t stop thinking about my town, Etna, Pennsylvania. Not sure just how big it is today but it was about 2000 when I grew up, four stop lights, a school that had about 100 from 7th to 12th grade… when you played football you played both sides, offense and defense.

I had no idea the direction God would take my life. I never saw the ocean until 21, never flew on a plane until I was 22 and it seemed people grew up to go to the mines, military, or steel mills. But now I have had the privilege to visit some 80 countries, help more than 1300 people serve someplace in the world, and be a part of too many lives to count. I really never thought this would or even could of happened to me. I am totally awestruck and humbled and right now stopping to thank the Lord for this all. Even today I had the chance to listen and encourage two more people toward what God is calling them to. One to South Africa and the other to India.

If it all ended tonight I would say that God was too good to me. I have a great family with awesome kids, a beautiful wife, great friends like you, and I have seen the goodness of God all around the world. So thank you for being part of my life. For praying, giving, and helping me be a faithful man responding to what God is asking.

BIG LOVE to all of you,
Mark Szymanski

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

14 New Missionaries Expected in October

October 11 to the 16th I am expecting 14 or 15 new missionaries to join United World Mission. Would you stop and pray for them rightnow? They will be headed out to places like Kazakhstan, Senegal, Spain, DR Congo, Estonia and Thailand.

I am preparing for my first Expansion retreat with my leadership team. On Wednesday and Thursday we'll tackle several issues and grow together as leaders. Pray for our team: Keith Keller - Director of Expedition237; Gabe Smith Director for Communication; Billy Dempsey Director for Mobilization and myself, Director for Expansion and Global Partnerships.