Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Marriage Made in Heaven

With the coming of summer you start seeing signs “Road Work” and so it is with our work… This year so far has been booming with opportunities to set into motion several new ministries and partnership relationships.

The Kingdom of God is all about relationships, between the Father and ourselves, between those of us of faith, and between those of faith and those who don’t have a relationship with the Father. We come together in relationship to bring glory to God and enjoy His love and presence. It all about relationship and His love for those with whom He lacks a relationship and we can be a part of His passion. Wow!

The plane made a smooth landing gliding gently of the buildings of the small city of Pucallpa in Peru. Once the door was open the moist heat fills the cabin and your shirt begins to soak up your perspiration. I can only dream about the work that is a head. Overnighting in the city the morning will begin with a scurry of activity rounding up supplies that we will transport up the river on a four-hour boat ride.

In this area of Peru there is a small evangelical group who is trying to see more churches planted in a rural area along the river, which is the lifeline to the Indian people who have lived here for millennia. The Peruvian Church group, Divino Redentor has been praying and working to expand the Kingdom of God but needs help. Today more of the prayers are being answered.

Through a divinely inspired network of friend to friend we learned about this group and a group of North Americans who had a heart for remote peoples of Peru. A spiritual marriage made in Heaven. I get to bring the “marriage partners” together and perform the ceremony (facilitate a partnership).

Armed with medical supplies, developmental knowledge, love and God the four-hour river ride brings us to the bank of a village. Both groups begin to interact with the people who are starved for help. Divino Redentor gets a chance to look like heroes bring help. They also gain valuable credibility ground as they present the gospel and work to the start of a church. Divino Redentor will be doing the long haul work but without the North Americans the work would not advance as easily. Both groups are inspired and their own discipleship experience deepened.

The Divino Redentor and North American group will work together to develop a holistic approach to church planting which will include establishing medical huts, clean water for villages, etc.

God at work in and through the lives of people… Isn’t it great!

I have had the privilege to help introduce two new groups into relationship with several national church groups in Cuba. One group began a relationship with the Assemblies of God in Cuba who are growing and planting churches like crazy. I was able to work with a great friend, Pat Summers, to help make this happen. The other group I was able to introduce to a mobile Cuban training group that teaches and mentors church planters across 24 Cuban denominations. All this so the island can see God’s glory and lives can be touched in extraordinary ways.

Thank you for your support in this work. You are part of reaching the unreached from remote villages to repressed countries and modern cities. Thank you.

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see www.uwm.org. Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS! 

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