Saturday, April 19, 2014

Szymanski News and Ministry April Update

Helping Latin American with Cross Cultural Training

Did you know a large sending force for missionaries today is coming from Latin America? Latin missionaries from all across Central and South America are preparing and going into parts of the world that American find it difficult to go to.

Recently I had the opportunity to work with some leaders in Mexico to identify Islamic groups in the Mexico City region. Now those who are preparing as missionaries can now receive some real life training as they build relationships and share Jesus within this mission field.

Building a Good Community

One of the outcomes flowing out of the Ignite Justice Conference in Charlotte was the ratcheting up of a new movement of unity across the city. ForCharlotte is off and running developing network platforms around issues such as:

·      Anti-Human Trafficking Network
·      Life & The Unborn Network
·      Special Need & Elderly Network
·      Orphan Care, Adoption & Fatherless Network
·      Refugee & Immigration Network
·      Second Chances & Recovery Network
·      Homeless Network
·      Sending City Network (a missional community to send in unity)

I’ll be serving on the Directional Team as a volunteer. Today mission is both local and global. As we build up people, churches, businesses, and organizations in Charlotte together we can create the “Sending City” network to impact people around the world.

Diaspora Peoples of Europe

A group I am working with is preparing their next major conference in Madrid Spain this fall. The paper I collaborated on, “Mapping Diaspora Using Facebook” will be presented. This research discovery continues to be a helpful tool to located, research, and contact the Unengaged and Unreached People Groups. For those of you who donated to this special project thank you.

Ministry Directions

Please continue to pray for Cathy and I as we seek God opportunities to serve Him. As we look forward there are several opportunities to engage. Partnership and the Unengaged and Unreached people groups of the world are close to our heart. The task is so large it takes collaboration to accomplish. Helping enlarge the harvest force of workers is a must. Creating tools for effective engagement is mandatory, and discovering ways to help those of other cultures participate is required.

One thought that recently has been rolling around in my head is the expatriate working community. I have been researching the expatriate community. Present numbers fluctuate some but there are over 100 million peoples working outside of their homeland among another culture. Now I know not all these are Christians but if one tenth of one percent is, could we harness them into a trained, encouraged, missional marketplace effort. That number would be more than a million people.


 Please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see United World Mission. Thank you to our present supporters that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

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