I came to UCBC
from another university considered to be one of the best in all of
Congo. I've recognized one big difference from that university and UCBC. I could fill my head with a lot of theories; I had very good teachers. But coming here to UCBC
has let me find out that it is not only academics that will help young
people to change the situation in our communities. For my fellow
graduates and myself, our time at UCBC
changed all dimensions of our lives - spiritual, social, and
intellectual. Our Christian faith has been sharpened. We have learned a
whole new way of seeing the world. We have come to believe that even
simple people can effect change. We will be the change.
We learn here that a successful
person is the one who has not only developed his own life, but has been
blessed enough to bless people around him. When we get out of this
school, we are equipped not to improve our personal lives [only], but to
work as agents of development. When we choose our jobs, we [always]
have that in mind. There is a way to develop our individual lives [as] we are serving others.
I came to UCBC
not able to speak a word in English. Now, without fear I am addressing
this assembly. The way was long and we faced many challenges, but as a
community, we overcame all of them. Our lives have been marked for good.
UCBC has given us
a new way of defining ourselves. If we had the means, we would like the
whole world to know that if all Congolese schools were like UCBC, in not more than five years Congo would be a different place.
I have a special message for any person
interested in supporting this school: I came here 6 years ago. And
today when I am leaving, I am thankful, and I ask you to not stop
supporting [UCBC].
More men and women like me will be transformed and impacted by this
philosophy. Today we might be [few]. Tomorrow, with your help, we will
be hundreds. And hundreds more will be changed through us. Thank you for
This is your investment. This is your joy.
Mark Szymanski