Monday, January 20, 2014

Going Off With A Bang:


Well, Cathy and I are grand-parents again. Number six is here, Elijah Mark Ellis. See the picture on the side bar, Bailey (big sister) and Elijah. He was born, January 11, 2014 6lbs 14oz and 20 1/4 inches. Kristen is doing fine.


On January 24th. I'll be meeting with a group of researchers as we compare note of what we are learning about how to use social media to find unreached and unengaged people groups. In today's connected world people are moving from places that have been oppressive to places offering freedom and economic opportunities. As missionaries this can help us to locate people who up to now have been in difficult places to reach for the gospel. These Diaspora people have many struggles but as authentic Christians lead with love and motives that are pure and Christ-like the Holy Spirit is able to change hearts and new lives are started. Lives leading to Jesus and a new legacy for their children and their children's children.

So stay tuned for the results of our research. many, many hours have been invested to determine if the technology is ripe for this opportunity. If the discover of this methodology is proven then mission groups around the world could benefit by drastically reducing their costs by first performing a digital research trip.

There is still time to contribute to help us reach our goal or $4500. Go here and select “Give Online” and under “Designation” select “Projects” and find “Europe: Vision 5.9 – 63480”. THANKS!


We are well into all the aspects of planning a major conference as we put together the myriad details. Along with many great ministries that will be there to whom we will be connecting people for ministry involvement we will have some great speakers. Two things... go to our web site here and to our Facebook page here to check out the details.

One speaker in particular that I am partial to is, Amy Brooks. I want her to be a part of the conference due to her story and our friendship. Also she's from Pittsburgh and of course a a huge Penguins fan! Seriously, now. If you don't know Amy go to Amazon and pick up her book, Unseen Arms.

"Can you imagine being born without arms or legs? What would be the quality of your life? How would you cope? What would your attitude or personality be like? How about the depth of your humor, the level of your faith, or your compassion for others?"

Amy was born with an extremely rare condition called Tetraphocomelia—having no arms or legs. She was then left abandoned at the hospital by her birth parents where the staff was asked if they could “put her in a room and not feed her.”

To see the other speakers go here and for those sponsors who help make this possibly go here.

Two things you can do to support us here in Charlotte: The first is PRAY for us, those who will attend, and those who will serve by speaking, exhibiting, and meeting the many needs of attenders. The second thing is to promote the conference to people in TN, NC, SC, GA, and VA. Last year we were able to set in motion nearly 650 people. We are praying for more this year.


Some of you know that Latin American Mission has join United World Mission. Their rich ministry history as well as ours will prove to strengthen the opportunities we get to participate in God great redemption of the world. As we partner around the world together with people in 45 different nations we see the church growing, becoming more sustainable and making a greater impact.

As the Global Partnership Director our work intensifies and grows. Will you consider partnering with us again this year to see the Kingdom of God come to more people here in the US and around the world?

Please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see United World Mission. Thank you to our present supporters that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!

This is your investment. This is your joy.

Mark Szymanski

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