Once a month I send out an electronic newsletter and post it on our blog: www.mszymanski.com. If you do have an email address and want to receive updates more frequently please send me an email at: mski1957@gmail.com. Electronic correspondence is inexpensive but I know some of you are not connected to the internet so I remain committed to update you via US Mail as Cathy and I value you! These monthly stories are the results of the opportunities that we are involved in. Month in and month out we help more than 150 missionaries in 35 Nations of the world advance the gospel. This is impossible without you!
Though we have tried to keep our needs to a minimum over the years our support has slowly eroded to the place where we sense God telling us to be humble and ask. It is hard to ask but we need to make it known. Our work causes us to stand in a place, halfway between the harvest force (a place where individuals and churches respond to God’s voice, get involved and go) and the harvest field (a place where lost and broken people that need to hear the story of a loving God live). We focus resources, coach, train, and care for those who go, envision churches, and help national leaders in Asia, Africa, South America, and Eurasia. All this allows the Kingdom of God to come to people just like you and those featured in our stories.
So, for the many of you that support our work we say THANK YOU! If you don’t support us could I be so bold as to ask you to consider making a monthly gift? If you think someone needs to hear about our work would you connect us to them? Over the next six months we are asking God to help us rebuild our monthly support back to what UWM needs us to raise. Our goal is to develop another $24,000 per year. We are working hard to keep our costs down and living expenses low. There are several ways to give. Electronic giving can be made by visiting the UWM web site or you can send a check to the address below. A receipt will be sent to you for any additional monthly or special gifts.
United World Mission • ACCT#11013 • PO BOX 602002 • Charlotte, NC • 28260-2002
We will always keep working but we would love to have you share in this labor. It truly takes a team and we need you.
Many blessings and thanks,
Mark & Cathy Szymanski
Cell: 704.517.0255
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