Cathy and I wanted to take this time to give you a brief update on the
ministry work we are involved in. We desire your partnership,
financially and through prayer, as we continue to build present and new
initiatives. The potential to set many thousands in motion for the
Kingdom of God is happening and as we continue with new opportunities we
know we will face obstacles so we will need your encouragement. THANK
YOU… Mark & Cathy Szymanski
1. We continue to work with several United World Mission
teams to develop partnerships that advance nationally led movements.
One in particular is a mobile leadership and church planting training
cooperative across 29 denominations in Cuba. The next phase will now
include starting a Cuban missionary training center to send Cubans into
other nations of the world. Much of this relies on developing Cuban
businesses that will fund these movements.
2. I am part of an initiative that has identified 142 unengaged
Islamic groups located in Europe. We know how many live in each country
but are not sure what cities or better yet what areas of the city they
live in. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of diaspora peoples
some who have fled their home country while others simple moved for
other reasons. We do know God has brought them to a free Europe for a
purpose. It would take massive amounts of money to send people
physically to the country to research each group so we are working to
develop a methodology using social media to identify these unreached
groups. If successful a paper will be presented at a national mission
conference in 2014.
3. I will be the Conference Director for the Justice Conference,
which will be help in Charlotte NC February 2014. After a successful
2013 conference where we attracted more than 500 people from five states
and several countries we are taking it a step further. Every week since
the conference we receive stories of how those who attended are
touching lives, it’s truly amazing. After discussions with the national justice movement
we will merge the strengths of each into a new model. The power of
mobilizing masses of local people will be combined with the power of a
national voice and group passion. This new model will be held in 20
cities across the United States on February 21-22, 2014. There is a lot
of work a head so please pray. The look will change soon but for now
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4. I have been asked to serve on MEDIC
(Mercy and Economic Development International Concern’s Advisory Board.
This is a honor as I have built a partnership between MEDIC and United
World Mission to establish several micro banks in North India. This has
opened many doors to several unreached groups who live in extreme
poverty. This relationship has also grown to see church planting
training in several countries in West Africa. We have over 120 banks in
place and more than 5000 loans on the books.
Lastly I want to share with you that I need to grow in my business
knowledge and application. Establishing self-sustaining Christian groups
in countries that are very impoverished often requires economic
development, business. The church grows when it is funded. It is
sustainable when its own people fund it. Our challenge is to create the
tools necessary for this to happen. I would love to have a mentor in this area.
The church is very alive and growing around the world. Check out our web site for the amazing stories of what God is doing at
This is your investment. This is your joy.
Mark Szymanski
Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can
send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC
28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about
on-line giving and other programs see Thank you to our
present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the
planet. Again, THANKS!