Saturday, June 25, 2011
A New Kind of People
So he sent this letter to Minucius Fundanus, proconsul of Asia, to conduct an investigation. In his letter he states; “Therefore he I do not wish, that the matter should be ignored without examination, so that these men may not be harassed, nor an opportunity given for malicious proceedings to be offered to informers. If, therefore, the provincials can clearly show their charges against these Christians, so as to answer before the tribunal, let them pursue this course only, but not just petitions, and mere outcries against Christians. For it is more fitting, if any one brings an accusation, that you should examine it.
Minucius Fundanus’ message to Caesar Hadrian concerning his investigation astounds me as he describes those who call themselves Christians…
“…But the Christians… show kindness to those who are near them; and whenever they are judges, they judge uprightly… They do good to their enemies… If one of them have bondsmen and bondswomen or children, through love towards them they persuade them to become Christians, and when they have done so, they call them brethren without distinction. They do not worship strange gods, and they go their way with modesty and cheerfulness. Falsehood is not found among them; and they love one another… And he, who has, gives to him who has not, without boasting. And when they see a stranger, they take him in to their own homes and rejoice over him as a very brother… And if they hear that one of their number is imprisoned or afflicted on account of the name of their Messiah, all of them anxiously minister to his necessity… And if there is any among them that is poor and needy, and they have no spare food, they fast two or three days in order to supply the needy their lack of food… Such, O King, is their manner of life… And verily, this is a new people, and there is something divine in the midst of them.”
This challenges me as I rely on God to make me into this kind of person. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel as we together pray and work to see “new people” developed all around the world.
This is your investment. This is your joy.
Mark Szymanski
Won’t you please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see UWM. Thank you to our present supports that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet. Again, THANKS!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Nick Vujicic Visits Slovenia – Many Interested in the Gospel
In April Nick Vujicic made a trip to Slovenia as part of a tour through several European countries. His visit to this tiny but hardend to the gospel country was facilitated by our United World Mission team. You can read more about Nick here.
The three main Christian groups in Slovenia (Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran) are lacking in spiritual vitality. They are rapidly declining into irrelevance while agnosticism, New Age and different forms of Eastern religious beliefs are increasing, as is general spiritual apathy, even among those who notionally believe in God.
There is an evangelical presence in only 28 out of 210 municipalities, so church planting teams are clearly needed. The tiny evangelical population often reflects the divisive culture of the South Slavs – pray for unity and the formation of an Evangelical Alliance. Of the few dozen fellowships, almost none are self-funding; most pastors rely on secular employment or external financial support, and there is little teaching in churches on stewardship and giving. Pray for Slovene believers to rise to the challenge of personal evangelism, to support their own pastors and even to send missionaries.
Here is a quick update of only a few days of ministry...TUESDAY: The hall was packed beyond belief with people standing around the edge – over 2000 people. The crowd was incredibly responsive (they loved it when Nick spoke in slightly broken Serbian to them – his parents’ native language). More than 1000 people turned in the questionnaire at the end. One of the last questions on there says: "Nick talked about the hope he found in God. Would you be interested in that hope." The German missionary compiling the data says, “I'm reading over and over again: "I'm very interested". Praise the Lord!
WEDNESDAY: Last week only 600 tickets were sold, but the hall here on the coast was packed with over 2000 people. Nick’s talk last night was even more focused on the Gospel, and people responded well. 1,100 questionnaires came back with contact information on them!
You can see more of his time in Slovenia by clicking here.
Thank you for your investment in our ministry which helps our missionaries expand the Kingdom of God in many nations including Slovenia.
This is your investment. This is your joy.
Mark Szymanski
Please consider joining our financial support team. You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see UWM. THANKS!