Glocal: /ˈglōkəl/... adjective: reflecting or characterized by both local and global considerations.
Locally, I am part of a leadership team that is launching For Charlotte, a city-wide collaboration effort whose focus will include church planting and missional living. To stay up to date on this city reaching effort sign up at: There will be five legs of this effort:
1. Mobilization; equipping and releasing all God's people into mission
2. Transformation: making disciples that make more disciples so whole communities can be impacted
3. Collaboration: creating platforms of collaboration between churches, non-profits, business and government
4. Multiplication: prioritizing the vehicle of church planting as a foundation for evangelism
5. Tools: resource development and sharing that advance proclamation and demonstration of the gospel
Globally, I continue to move deeper into helping United World Mission restructure its mobilization, partnership and expansion areas. This means helping to evaluate new opportunities to expand throughout the world. One way we do this is to identify and determine how UWM can advance the work of nationally lead ministries.
When a ministry, church or organization is nationally led it is better equipped to become sustainable since it will not leave its home culture. Connecting the whole body of Christ through partnership can strengthen the impact nationally led ministries and initiatives can make.
UWM is now in 45 countries and nearly 400 workers. Continue to pray for those called into the international harvest. Many opportunities are available to join with the global church as they reach their people and as I mentioned more opportunities are being developed as this goes out to you.
Support Report: I also recently attended a refresher “boot camp” for funding my ministry and was reminded how important the relationship with between us is. Support Raising Solutions is a great ministry training solution. It’s been more than 16 years of walking together. Cathy and I are very grateful and blessed. We are still in need of monthly support so for those who see our work as critical to advancing the kingdom please considers making a pledge. Instructions are at the bottom of this update. Thank you.
MEDIC India: I wanted to share an update on our work in India with our micro-bank, MEDIC. This work is growing and many formerly unreached and unengaged people are hearing the gospel and becoming believers.
New People: Just over the last few weeks I have been working with several couples interested in going to hard places like India, East Africa and the Middle East. Please pray for those that feel called to these hard places. Transitions are tough considering the location they are going to, family thoughts, possible religious and cultural collisions in their new host nation, etc.
Family: Please continue to keep our family in prayer as Kristen's MS is stable at this time. We are heavily involved in her and Bailey's life. Kristen is unable to work so please pray for provisions, healing, and energy.
Thank you for all you are doing to pray and support us. We remember you all and pray for you and your families.
Please consider joining our financial support team? You can send contributions to: United World Mission, PO Box 602002, Charlotte NC 28260-2002 and write ACCT# 11013 in the memo line. Further info about on-line giving and other programs see United World Mission. Thank you to our present supporters that allow us to impact the many lives across the planet.
Again, THANKS!
We are looking for 10 new partners about to give $50 to $100 per month. Our Goal is $1,000 or $12,000 annually. THANK YOU.
This is you investment, this is your joy.
Mark Szymanski