One core value for us is helping the local church succeed in reaching people both locally and globally. In fact I believe that the local church’s response is not to evangelize people but rather follow through and make disciples. Many stop at evangelism and do not follow through. We see crusades, outreaches, and all kind of events then we wait to see if people show up. Well, as I said we should create a strategy with the end goal being discipleship and not just evangelism.
I have been asked by our Board of Directors to pioneer a new effort to connect groups of churches in North America with groups of churches in other countries that are focus on seeing their town, villages, and neighborhoods filled with worshiping, disciple-making churches.
We already have several started whose focus in on Vietnam and Cuba. We have several in the process of being formed like Senegal and Thailand. And I have several that I want to start whose focus will be Northern Europe and possibly the Democratic Republic of Congo.
So please pray for me – I will be talking with 35 new church planters in May who want to connect to the world.